As jawline workouts, a recent Health and Beauty industry phenomenon, are becoming increasingly common across the US and major European countries, the debate on which workout method works the best is evolving rapidly. Jawline workouts result in a more chiseled jawline and a change in facial proportions. The workouts involve applying pressure to the closing movement of the jaw, or simply put, resistance to closing the mouth. Resistance can be applied via chewing gum, food, or specially designed jawline workout tools such as CHISELL. A widely held belief is that chewing a lot of gum will give you a jawline. Is that really so?
This blog article explores whether gum chewing is a good jawline exerciser as compared with CHISELL. All the calculations are done for 1-year of jawline training. The two jawline exercisers are compared on price, the efficiency of jawline results, harm to TMJ, symmetry of jawline results, gastric acid production, and workout time.
In the quest to compare gum and CHISELL, it is necessary to obtain some data. Over the years of operations, CHISELL and gum have already been tested on a hydraulic press machine to obtain resistance levels numbers in kilograms. One regular piece of gum has a resistance of 2kg. CHISELL 2.0 Regular Bite has a resistance of 42 kilograms per one tab and subsequently 84 kilograms of resistance per two tabs. The average food resistance was obtained from a research paper on the mechanical properties of food and estimated to be on average 3kg. The average chewing time per meal was estimated manually using a stopwatch while eating a standard American diet meal. The average chewing speed was evaluated via a similar method of using a stopwatch and counting the number of individual jaw open and close motions referred to as bites/minute in this article. The average chewing speed of 40 bites/minute was chosen for this study. The price of gum after the breakdown calculations with the Walmart prices was estimated to be 6 cents USD per one piece of gum.
5 Chewer Identities
A total of 5 distinct chewer identities have been explored as hypothetical scenarios: Light Gum Chewer, Regular Gum Chewer, Tough Gum Chewer, Regular CHISELL Chewer, and Modern Food Chewer.
There are various ways of approaching jawline workouts with gum. Some individuals like to chew two pieces of gum; some will throw in the whole 10-piece pack. Some will replace gum when it loses taste; some won’t. Some will chew for a few minutes, and some will chew for hours. Some will chew every day, and some will chew just a few times per week.
These variables provide an excellent opportunity to study a spectrum of three distinct identities. Each designed based on the online feedback from Reddit and mewing communities about the possible gum-chewing routines targeting better jawline development. The first identity is not likely to develop the needed muscle volume, and the third identity is expected to develop the volume but also get severe TMJ damage. The second identity is the likely middle scenario of an average person who decided to exercise the jaw.
Identity 1: Light Gum Chewer.
A person who is serious about advancing his jawline with regular gum chewing. Light Gum Chewer workout routine:
- Chewing two pieces of gum at the same time
- A workout of 30 minutes per workout session
- Workout 3 days per week
- Take fresh gum one time per workout session
Identity 2: Regular Gum Chewer.
This particular person is earnest about gum chewing. He/she extensively researched how it is done, how much gum to take in, how often to exercise. Regular Gum Chewer workout routine:
- Chewing five pieces of gum at the same time
- A workout of 1 hour per workout session
- Workout 5 days per week
- Take fresh gum two times per workout session.
Identity 3: Tough Gum Chewer.
A person who went berserk with his jawline workout approach and is pushing the limits of what is humanly possible. For him/her, it is all about the grind and putting in those extra hours. Tough Gum Chewer workout routine:
- Chewing ten pieces of gum at the same time
- A workout of 90 minutes per workout session
- Workout 7 days per week
- Take fresh gum three times per workout session
Identity 4: Regular CHISELL Chewer
Chisell 2.0 Regular Bite data was chosen as the bestselling jawline product. This model proved to have the middle version by all parameters compared to Light Bite and Tough Bite. Therefore, the data of this model provides the most average result for an appropriate comparison. Regular Chisell Chewer workout routine:
- Chewing 2 CHISELL tabs at the same time
- A workout of 15 minutes per workout session
- Workout 4 days per week
Identity 5: Modern Food Chewer
The base no jawline-enhancement scenario identity is a Modern Food Chewer. It can be you or your friends or an average Joe down the road. The scenario allows us to compare the additional calculated metrics to draw in further insights for this analysis. Modern Food Chewer workout routine:
- Chewing regular standard American diet food
- Having a standard of 3 meals per day
- Eat food seven days a week
The calculations have resulted in the following six insights about differences between the identities. The gum chewer identities are marked in yellow, CHISELL identity in dark grey, and Modern Food Eater in light green.
Insight 1: CHISELL is cheaper than gum.
It is hard to believe that CHISELL is cheaper than gum. A piece of gum is only 6 cents in USD. So how can a 40 dollar product plus 10 dollars shipping be cheaper than gum? The trick is in the numbers.
The estimation of the total cost of gum starts with understanding daily gum usage or gum usage per one workout. Once calculated, the total number of workouts is calculated for one year and then multiplied with gum usage per workout.
The exact calculations are the following:
Gum usage per one workout X number of workouts in 1 year X price of one piece of gum = total gum spending in USD

The cheapest option for jawline workouts is modern food chewing, as it is unnecessary to purchase anything. You already eat for nutrition. Light gum chewing would cost 37 bucks per year. Regular chewing, considered decent enough for jaw muscle workouts, would cost a total of 234 USD, more than four times more expensive than CHISELL. The tough gum chewing is beyond any limit standing close to 900 USD - a significant investment in your jawline without a doubt. The investment would cover ordering close to two CHISELL products every month for one year.
The question is - does CHISELL last one year? No, it usually does not; the average lifetime is four months. However, this fact is not essential due to a 1-year replacement guarantee where CHISELL chewers can get an unlimited number of new chewing tabs within one year after purchase—putting a total CHISELL investment at only 50 USD per year.
Insight 2: CHISELL is safer for TMJ than gum.
TMJ or temporomandibular joint is the joint involved in the opening and closing movement of the jaw. This joint, like all the other joints, is subject to wear if overused. The joint is constantly in motion throughout the day as we eat, speak, and breathe. The more the joint is used, the higher the chance of TMD or TMJ disorder. This article takes the total number of times the joint participates in the opening and closing the mouth and compares it across the jawline workout scenarios. TMJ movements - is the total number of times the mouth is opened and closed. The bigger the number of joint movements, the bigger the joint wear and the higher chance of having jaw joint problems.
The exact calculations are the following:
total chewing time / average chewing speed = number of jaw open + close movement
Estimates show that the joint is opening and closing around 1200 times during breakfast, lunch, and dinner for the food intake during an average day, almost half a million times over one year. Using CHISELL would add 30% to the normal jaw load while light gum chewing would add 43%; regular gum chewing would add 150%, more than doubling the joint wear, and tough gum chewing would add a ridiculous 300% to the joint usage.
In summary, CHISELL only adds a third of the additional joint load, which would be the same as having one more regular meal per day. Even the light regular gum chewing would provide more tear to the joint. The regular and tough options provide a wholly inadequate and perhaps dangerous amount of joint stress exceeding CHISELL impact 5-10 times. Chewing CHISELL 15 minutes per day four times a week is a much healthier option for TMJ than chewing gum.
Insight 3: CHISELL jawline enhancement results are more efficient than gum results.
The science on how to build jaw muscle is simple. Both CHISELL and gum work with the same principle; both aid jaw muscle growth. Bigger jaw muscles lead to a stronger jawline. The muscle in question is masseter. The masseter is responsible for closing the mouth. When chewing, this muscle is the one helping to crush food into shreds.
The muscle grows in size when the average muscle load increases. Or in other words, the more the muscle is used, the more it grows. Think of going to the gym - the muscles are experiencing a lot of additional loads and grow as a result. The jaw muscle is no different.
The question then is, which of the jaw workout tools can provide the most significant muscle load? To calculate, each bite load is taken and multiplied by the total number of bites over one year. All methods are then compared.
The exact calculations are the following:
one bite load X total number of bites per year = total jaw muscle load
The calculations show that chewing three packs of gum for one and a half hours every day would provide the most significant jaw muscle load. CHISELL takes second place in the loading race, providing eight times more load to jaw muscles than the standard modern diet. This graph answers another common question about jawline exercises - “why do I need anything to train my jaw? I am already training my jaw by chewing food?” If that was true, the jaw muscles would grow exponentially for everyone, yet they don’t. A soft modern diet does not allow for efficient load for proper jaw muscle growth.
CHISELL exceeds a load of a realistic regular gum chewing scenario in the loading race by a factor of two. Thus, they are doubling the load, which results in doubling the jaw muscle growth results. The jawline gains can subsequently be achieved more efficiently.
Insight 4: CHISELL results are even on both sides, while gum results are asymmetrical.
As the jawline enhancement directly depends on the jaw muscle growth, the muscles on both sides must be developed simultaneously. Think of a person with one thin leg and another muscular leg. Quite a sight! Now apply this logic to the face. If both masseter muscles are not exercised together, the face will look asymmetrical. An asymmetrical face is not something anyone desires to achieve. Therefore, a more chiseled jawline just on one side does not count.
It is not a surprise that humans have a favorite side to chew on. Because of this, human jaws are often asymmetrical. For the majority of people, the difference is subtle and can not go unnoticeable to the naked eye. And for some, it is very apparent and begins tampering with the facial function.

Trying to get a jawline by chewing gum is a one-sided process. First, chewing happens on the left, then on the right, and so on. With gum, unless the person is constantly mindful about whether the usage is equal from both sides, the masseter muscles will grow uneven, leading to jaw asymmetry. CHISELL does not have that problem as the product is designed with two tabs of equal size and resistance, ensuring the symmetrical distribution of the load. CHISELL usage leads to balanced jawline transformation as a result.
Insight 5: CHISELL workouts are quick, while gum workouts take hours.
Due to the high resistance nature of CHISELL the muscle fatigue is achieved very quickly. Within 15 minutes of usage, the muscles are fully exhausted, and the jaw workout is completed. The gum workout, on the other hand, is of low resistance nature. Because of that, it takes hours to complete the exercise, a time not all of us have in the busy modern world.
Insight 6: CHISELL chewing produces less gastric acid than gum chewing.
Gastric acid is the digestion acid that aids our body with breaking apart food. Human bodies learned to activate the production of this acid when the chewing process starts. As both gum and CHISELL directly activate chewing, gastric acid production launches immediately. The body is expecting to get nutrition, but unfortunately, neither CHISELL nor gum provide any.
Chewing gum requires 30 - 90 minutes, and chewing CHISELL requires only 15 minutes. Thus, CHISELL activates gastric acid production only a fraction of the time gum does.
The analysis has shown that gum is incredible for its purpose: cleaning teeth and freshening the breath. However, gum is not ideal for jawline workouts. Makes sense, as gum was invented with a different purpose in mind, and it serves the purpose well. CHISELL was also created with a purpose which is to hypertrophy the masseter muscles most efficiently. CHISELL is performing the function well as it was designed for that function.
Gum is 200$ or more, requires hours per week of training, is likely harmful for the TMJ, provides asymmetrical results, and produces a lot of gastric acid. While CHISELL is only 50$, takes 15 minutes per day, makes results symmetrical, and only adds 30% of additional load to TMJ. Gum is not a good jawline exerciser.
To learn more about the science behind jaw muscle growth, we recommend checking out this resource.
Learn more about CHISELL here.