What Does It Mean To Be Ruggedly Handsome?

What Does It Mean To Be Ruggedly Handsome?

What do Don Draper, Tommy Shelby, and the members of BTS have in common? Well, they cut clean figures that make all the girls fawn over them. Much of this is owed to their metrosexual appeal–every hair is held in place by gel, no creased clothes, and you can tell they have quite the thorough skincare routine. However, not every man has the time to spare on such a put together look. And, not all women are into men with mannequin dress-etiquette. In Paula Cole's song "Where have all the cowboys gone?", she pines over finding her John Wayne, shiny...

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Benefits of having a strong jawline Chisell

Benefits of Having a Strong Jaw

The jaw is one of the predominant facial features and plays a significant role in determining the overall appearance of an individual. While it may sound archaic, society still judges individuals based on their appearances–at one point or the other, you might have judged a person by their eyes, smile, jawline, and more. People with strong, defined jawlines are often considered attractive. In men, a strong, angular jawline implies masculinity and virility. In women, a soft jawline signifies femininity and refinement. Individuals with strong jaws are often presumed to be powerful, assertive, attractive, and with an imposed dominance in society....

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Chisell box

Dominate with Chisell Workout

Hey Chisellers, Whether a quick session during the morning shower, or while driving a car - Chisell provides a fantastic jaw workout in less than 10 minutes. Learn how thousands of happy customers use Chisell as their morning routine:

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Having the Perfect Jawline: Is Jawline Surgery worth It?

Having the Perfect Jawline: Is Jawline Surgery Worth It?

A perfect jawline is not only good for your oral health but also compliments your appearance. Being one of the easiest recognizable and defining facial features, your jawline can either make or break your facial harmony, which plays a greater role in the overall facial appearance. As most people begin to age, they tend to lose their jawlines owing to the deposition of extra fat around the neck and jaw, causing a distorted jawline.  If you’re thinking of getting a perfect jawline, you might be torn between surgery and the natural remedies available. Jawline surgery, also referred to as orthognathic...

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Tips on Getting Rid Of A Double Chin

Tips on Getting Rid Of A Double Chin

Everyone has different trouble areas when it comes to their appearance. For some, it's their thighs or midsection. For others, it's their arms or back. And for many people, the problem area is their chin.  Many of us have experienced the dreaded "double chin" at one point or another. Whether it's the result of weight gain, aging, or genetics, a double chin can be tough to get rid of. But there's no need to despair. While, at times, it might be hard to get rid of your double chin entirely, there are some tips that you can follow to make...

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Chisell double chin article

Double Chin: What It Is, What Causes It

A double chin, also known as submental fat, is a condition where an extra layer of fat forms around the neck, causing the appearance of a "second chin."   Although it is not a sign of poor health, it can be aesthetically displeasing for some, and when it comes to our appearance, many of us are our worst critics. So, when we see something we don't like about ourselves, it can be really tough to deal with. In fact, many people feel self-conscious about their double chin, which can destroy their self-image and self-esteem. However, it is important to keep in...

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