The jawline is one of the most important and defining features of the face. It can make or break an appearance and is often one of the first things people notice. But as we age, the jawline begins to lose form due to extra fat deposits around the neck and jaw. A defined jawline is highly envied as it projects a youthful appearance while giving definition to your other facial features. But, did you know there are things you can do to keep your jawline in its best form?

If you’re looking to keep your jawline toned and sculpted, one of the best ways is to perform facial exercises that target the muscles in your jaw. However, simply exercising the muscles is not enough. It is also important to keep the skin hydrated. Drinking plenty of water has been linked with maintaining rich and supple skin, which applies to the skin on the jaw. In addition to water, there are a variety of hydrating products on the market that can help to keep your skin looking its best.

And we can’t forget the holy grail in skin care–sunscreen! Remember, sunscreen is essential even when you do not intend to leave the house. As long as the sun is out, you need to apply the recommended amount to protect your skin from sun damage and dryness.

By combining facial exercises with proper hydration, and skincare can achieve a toned and sculpted jawline that will turn heads.

Introduction to Jawline Exercises

Let’s face it, we all want to stay beautiful and attractive. Jawlines are an essential part of that. A well-toned and sculpted jawline is synonymous with a youthful appearance, which most people regard as the epitome of beauty. To retain your jawline in the best form possible, you can undertake exercises that target the muscles in your jaw. Here’s everything you need to know about jawline exercises.

What are Jawline Exercises?

Jawline exercises are facial movements that you can do to target the muscles in your jaw. But to really target your jaw, you also need to focus on the neck area, chin, and surrounding facial features. While a weak jawline structure does not generally impact your health, it is one of the early tell-tale signs that one is aging, and we might want to delay an aged look for as long as possible. Jawline exercises are very instrumental in retaining a tight and well-sculpted jaw and a youthful appearance.

What are the Benefits of Jawline Exercises?

As we age, our skin begins to lose elasticity, muscles degenerate, and most body parts lose definition. The jawline is not immune to this natural order of life. But you don’t need a saggy jawline to get started on your jawline exercises. Why? Because there are more benefits involved, including the following:

  • Exercise of any kind is essential in toning body muscles. With regular jawline exercises, you can restore some elasticity in your skin to keep your jawline toned and sculpted.
  • Jawline exercises are a ‘natural facelift.’ They help to define your facial features by giving the jawbone and cheekbone a more prominent look. This gives the entire face a more defined and youthful look.
  • Jawline exercises have also been associated with relieving the effects of conditions such as temporomandibular disorder, chronic jaw pain, chronic bone, and nerve pain, etc.
  • By regularly exercising your jawline, you might find yourself less susceptible to pain in the neck, head, and jaw areas.

6 Jawline Exercises to Get You Started


Mewing refers to a Youtube popular jawline exercise that has gotten a lot of attention for ‘actually reshaping your face.’ Proponents of the art say that 20 to 30 minutes of daily mewing will get you the defined jawline you’ve been hoping for. However, some researchers say this could take years to achieve desired results.

But what exactly is mewing? To properly mew, you are advised to adopt a neutral neck and spine posture. You then proceed to flatten your entire tongue against the roof of your mouth. Repeating this exercise is said to realign your teeth, thereby defining the jawline.

Neck curl-up

This is an easy exercise that you’ve probably been doing, unaware of the effects. To do a neck curl-up, adopt a resting position with your head and shoulders supported on an arm or a flat surface. Proceed to curl your chin toward your chest. You should feel a stretch along your jawline. Hold for two seconds, and then slowly release. Repeat this process several times daily until you begin to see signs of change in structure.

Clench and Release

Another easy exercise is the clench and release. This comes naturally to most people when they're trying to work through rage. But did you know that clenching your teeth and jaw tightly for five seconds then releasing them is a form of jawline exercise? As you do this, you should feel the muscles in your jaw tighten. Follow this with a release, and repeat the exercise three times. Incorporate this into your routine and watch for results.

Collar Bone Backup

This is an all-in-one kind of exercise that will require you to engage more groups of muscles. There are two ways to achieve this. First, start by sitting up straight with your shoulders pushed backward. Place your fingertips at the base of your skull, just below your ears. Gently press your skull into your hands and then tilt your head back. You should feel a stretch along your jawline. Hold for five seconds, and then release.

Alternatively, curl your chin toward your chest with your head and shoulders supported on an arm or a flat surface. You should feel a stretch along your jawline. Hold for two seconds, and then slowly release.

Vowel Sounds (Fish Face)

This one might feel silly, but what form of exercise doesn’t? Puff out your cheeks and make an “O” shape with your mouth. Hold for 10 seconds. Then, slowly release your cheeks and make an “E” shape with your mouth. Hold for 10 seconds. Repeat three times. Don’t strain your mouth as you do this.

Chinups (Chin Lifts)

This one is also advised for decompressing when you’re facing a stressful situation. Start by sitting up straight with your shoulders back. Place your hands on the back of a chair or on the wall behind you. Gently press your palms into the surface and tilt your head back. You should feel a stretch along your jawline. Your chin should be pointing upward. Hold for five seconds, and then release.

Do Face Exercises Work for the Jawline?

Yes, face exercises can help to keep your jawline toned and sculpted. Exercises that target the jawline include mewing, neck curl-up, clench and release, collar bone backup, chin-ups, and vowel sounds (fish face). Remember, when performing jawline exercises, you should always start with gentle movements and increase the intensity as you feel comfortable. Also, don’t forget to breathe deeply and relax your face as you exercise. For the best results, do these exercises daily.